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enforcement agent meaning in Hindi

enforcement agent sentence in Hindi

प्रवर्तन अभिकर्ता
enforcement    आचरण जबरदस्ती
agent    बिचवई आढ़तिया
1.Pepper still is being sought by federal law-enforcement agents.

2.But law enforcement agents said they could not corroborate the account.

3.Law enforcement agents stepped up undercover drug buys and parole enforcement.

4.Industry officials and law enforcement agents pledged action on that front.

5.Law enforcement agents from Texas and other states attended the services.

6.In the past year, law enforcement agents have discovered that:

7.It's up to law enforcement agents to prove otherwise.

8.Law enforcement agents were unsure how many protesters will turn out.

9.Most, law-enforcement agents admit, are manipulators and liars.

10.Clarke found a traffic enforcement agent who radioed for help.

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How to say enforcement agent in Hindi and what is the meaning of enforcement agent in Hindi? enforcement agent Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.